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interview with customer service

I know that I can’t be the only person who is always interested to see what people do at my favorite companies. I’ve always found it so interesting all of the different hats people wear to make things run smoothly, but I’m also nosey. I love seeing and hearing about people’s jobs, it’s always so fun to see what’s out there! 

Over here at the Sewrella Yarn Studio we have a lot of different people wearing a lot of different hats. This week, we sat down with our customer service lead, Brea! Let’s get to know Brea a little more and what it's like to work as our customer service! 

what made you want to be part of the Sewrella Yarn team?

There are so many reasons! I love the community, environment, and atmosphere here. Working for someone who truly cares about her employees is incredible. As a new mom, and really, even before I became a new mom, it's great to have something that I can do during the day but also having and enjoying conversations that I get to have with our customers. It's hard to find the kind of community that we have here while also having that job atmosphere. 

what does your typical day look like?

So I manage our email ( and our instagram comments/direct messages! Waking up and grabbing that cup of coffee while getting my 7 month old settled and ready for the day. While she's feeding, I check through instagram posts and dms. While she naps is when I sit at my desk and work through emails and dms and answer as many questions and comments that I can! 

what are some of the most common questions you receive?

The most typical questions we get are about the different bases that we offer and the yarn information that goes along with that. We do actually provide all of that information on our website! When you click on the color that you like, you can scroll down and there's a little drop down option after the pictures of the color and all of our yarn bases are listed there along with their fiber content! On Instagram we get fun questions that go along with our stories like where do we get all the cute little things that we have around our office or even Ashleigh's home - everyone always wants links to shop! In our emails it's mainly order questions and if we can combine orders. 

are you crafty?

Yes! I knit and crochet - not as much as I would like to be right now, I'm still learning to balance new mom life. I love how mindless it is, especially right before bed to decompress and relax. 

what has been your favorite collection?

I like them al and want to buy EVERYTHING! It's a blessing for me that I work from home or else I would be bringing home yarn every day. 

favorite color we've created so far?

Scuttle. hands down. Every time I see it I oooh and aww. Especially on a silk sock or silk dk. 

favorite book?

Eat. Pray. Love by Elizabeth Gilbert and Wild by Cheryl Strayed

favorite show?

Outlander is the one that I have been the most consistently sticking up with. But, Friends will always be my tried and true. 

favorite quote?

That's hard! I don't actually have one. I'm always working towards bettering myself and absorbing new things so I don't tend to go back to one specific thing. I'm always trying to evolve. 

what is one of your favorite non yarn items in the Sewrella Market? 

Wool Wash because it's lasts FOREVER and smells so so good! I still have one from the Hocus Pocus collection that works and smells delicious still to this day. 

what is the best platform for a customer to contact customer service?

I definitley prefer email - it's a lot more organized, easier to find and look back for different questions/comments, and it's easier to have conversations there as well! Direct messages on instagram tend to get lost or if they have a glitch we might not see your messages for while. If you need our customer service email it's

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