Countdown to Rhinbeck - mystery minis coming July 19th at noon eastern

6 ways to create a happier crafting space

When we sit down to craft, we always want it to be somewhere relaxing, inspiring, fun, and of course have good vibes. This all leads to better makes, right? Well for us it definitely does! Having a place to go craft but to also show off your stash and organize your favorite things will all help getting that project inspiration. 
Here are our 6 tips for creating a happier crafting space.

1. choose a word for your space

The word that we like to reach for is inspire. This is achieved by having a table and chair instead of a couch. Ashleigh likes working in her craft room because it motivates her. Someone else may want to relax in their crafting space so a comfy couch or a cozy chair might be better! 

2. edit your stash

Us crafters are all alike, our stashes are out of control and we need the perfect excuse to stylize it in the perfect way! It's no different here, change out some of your stash for the seasons and put it on display! This will help you cycle through your stash and maybe even get some inspiration for a project! 

3. organize your tools

I am the absolute WORST with my tools! I have my knitting needles in a tote, my unbranded crochet hooks in a ziplock bag. That's no way to encourage crafting or inspiration. Organizing your tools in a cute and fun way puts them on display and helps you realize what you already have! I know we all have more duplicates of tools than we would like to admit. 

4. contain creativity

Grab some baskets or bowls laying around your house - or even thrift some fun vintage ones - to throw your extras in! You'll know where to go to grab them and it helps keep you a little more organized. 

5. add sentimental pieces

Pictures of your kids, fur babies, favorite books, items that you're really proud of. Adding things like this helps you remember why you craft and what started you on this wonderful crafting journey. It also helps put a big smile on your face! 

6. add inspiration

Ashleigh's favorite pieces for inspiration? Her super cool vintage tv and her gorgeous gold primrose mirror! Add in pieces to your crafting space that gets you excited to be in there!
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